Monday, March 14, 2005

Roasted Potatoes With Sauce and Canned Cod...

That's what Hector taught me to say, apparantly that tedious sentance is a replacement of something similar to ' anyway...' Hahhaa...If you ask me, it's a mouthful, really.

Gosh, my head throbs, probably still recovering from Saturday night, Luisa's housemate's Superhero party. I must say, it was pretty successful, and all of us were quite a mess by the end of it, but all for a good laugh.In our state of being overwhelmed with pot(and alcohol, for the rest), we're all chatty and nonsensical, constantly laughing about nothing and everything. I met a guy dressed as Jesus, a half-hearted hippie, and some other unmentionables. Most importantly, am impressed with Luisa's transformation into Superwhore Fairy(I am, I swear.Goncalo and housemates came after, so we had to fetch them in the freezing cold. What did I go as? Very boring, really, but I was a Super Psychadelic Loveblossom Fairy. A friend of Jesus, Super Andy, lent me his fairy wings...they looked better on me anyway..hee hee..Drifted in and out of sleep at some point, and received a very special long distance phone-call, so that made me very happy(although I can't remember what I blabbered on about, particularly).I got home at 6am on Sunday, and woke up 2 hours later for work. Was like a zombie for most parts of the day, till Nikolas decided to tip me over and hang me from my feet (I am not kidding, he really did it), and I never felt more nauseated in my life, coming back the right way up. I had to sit down for a good few minutes before I regained my composure.
Went straight back home, washed my face and crept under the covers for long awaited sleep. Very much needed too... Am still very *bleagh*..but am glad at least PPD is over... (:


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