Monday, March 07, 2005

Decadent Dreamer

Now, doesn't this sound nice? It's actually a name of a shampoo dear friend Luisa bought from Morrisons today...smells really nice, with a hint of jasmine, but the colour and consistancy of it is like rose, maybe I can't exactly imagine myself bathing in syrup..

Anyway, Joe came back to the shop for a visit, with his girlfriend Laura, and German friend, Caroline. We went to the usual Italian place for buffet, but with Hector and Yuko missing, it wasn't as fun as it normally is. It was, really nice to see Joe again though. He was greatly missed.

It was so cold, we just hopped to the Waikiki Bar, opposite the restaurant for drinks, just to escape the cold. Wolfman (Danny) took a poloroid of us, and I know I look really bright with my fuschia cardigan, but hey...I didn't know he carried a poloroid with him wherever! I also didn't long my hair was! Woah...

So here we are...pretty happy Waikiki bar, Soho.

nori's pic


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