Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Nervous Breakdown

The day of reckoning is near.
My interviews for the degree courses are up sometime next week or so, and I'm such a wreck. Got shitloads of work, dunno how to compile them..and the money involved! Gosh...Just talked to my tutor today, and basically his suggestion is that I spend bundles of cash (yes, I *print* money in my free time..seesh) on proper sleeves for portfolio work. Geez. He was certainly no help.

Oh, and it snowed again briefly today...strange, it's supposed to be getting warmer, not colder..it was beautiful though, at least I wasn't asleep this time!


I keep wanting to put this bit in, but I always forget...I should have added it to the previous entry. I know, I know, there's always the 'edit' button, but it's lost it's moment,..if you know what I mean?
But here it is anyway, it's a beautiful quote, from a fantastic movie:-

"I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me ... but it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst ...

And then I remember ... to relax, and not try to hold on to it. And then it flows through me like rain. And I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. Don't worry ... you will someday."

Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey), in American Beauty

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Of Daffodils And Cherry Blossoms

Spring is just around the corner, I can feel it. Although it is still cold and freezing sometimes, there is still beauty around. Daffodils are in bloom almost every corner I turn, and it's so lovely to spot a patch of yellow mini-daffodils (Yes, if you've watched Big Fish, it's *exactly* like that!!!). Some trees are starting to sprout blossoms, some pink, some white, some a very pale shade of yellow. I'm still awed by all this loveliness, and I can't wait to see how it's going to look in Spring. Forget the greenery- I get that back home in Singapore when I look out my window...and in with the cheery spring flowers! (:

Monday, February 09, 2004

My Gums Hurt, Kill Me Please

Yea, yea, she's whining again, I can actually picture people reading this and rolling their eyes (hey, that's what *I'M* supposed to be doing!!!). I've not slept for the past 12 hours, been doing my work, and Esther came around when I decided to take my nap, and she cut it short, saying I had no time for napping when work was to be done. *seesh*. It was good in a way, because she brought her iBook over, and did her work with me, and stayed till 6am this morning.

It's either me, or the screen is actually going back and forth to and from me. Ah, I take this as a sign of fatigue. Typing's even slower.

Brain is shutting down...will write later.
I think I shall go sleep in the main library.


Wednesday, February 04, 2004

In The Company Of Strange...

Indeed. Last Saturday, some colleagues of mine suggested a group dinner to celebrate a fantastic month(we're getting a bonus next month), so we headed down to this nice little cosy Italian restaurant that had good food but not too extravagant. We were, of course, the noisiest bunch there, and **beam*, we had the cutest waiter serving us. His name is Stephan (he's oooo...french!!!!), and haha...us girls (all six of us) were all over him. He was so charming, he didn't decline when we invited him to sit with us on the table and take photos. I'm ever so tempted to go there for another meal....

More towards the stranger side of it all, I'm currently sitting on a new table (actually, not-so-new), with Wilmet, Mio and Cassie. Wil and Cassie have a passion for things dead and morbid, and Mio and me are just alittle eccentric, mostly about things other people don't think about. I'm talking about our work, of course, but it's quite hilarious when we exchange ideas, and somehow, I think we "bonded" over gossip and perhaps views that we had yesterday. It has become the "table of strange", but that is a good thing I guess. At least our work doesn't look the same. At least everyone has their own different style.

Been worrying non-stop about the Compact scheme that will be happening soon, which is when we have to decide where to apply within the London Institute to do our degree. We have to apply through UCAS a little later afterwards, for schools outside of London Institute. Talk about the stress of it all...decisions, decisions, DECISIONS!!!!!!!