Monday, April 28, 2003


Haven't exactly been feeling great since my last outing with the guys. It got kinda spoilt towards then end, and I have been feeling pissed since. Made a desperate grab at cheering myself up, so went out after my classes today to shop and just hang out with Don. Paid Pauline a visit at Taka, (actually to spy on Andrew..who wasn't there!), and ended up chatting awhile. My girl Shikin (the half chinese-half malay girl from AT) was working today too, and the poor dear looked so bored.
Ended up having chicken mayo sandwich at Delifrance (where else!) and ice cream (a never-fail pick-me-up) down at the Hagen Daaz booth (Strawberry cheesecake flavour, I think...yum*). Ok, I'm happy. I think it's partly because I went shopping too. Hah. God, I think I'm gonna gain weight...*sigh*

Oh, by the way, Smallville's back on tv!!! YAY!!!


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