One Blink, One Toss and Some Rain...
The weeks have just been flying by. I try to console myself by sleeping in more, missing lectures that I don't give two shits about and allowing myself the occassional tantrum. Mr P. leaves next Wednesday, on the eve of my 24th, Jo (my fab girl-housemate) moves back home to NZ on Monday and I don't even know if anyone will remember my birthday this year. It's the same every year, people forget...and I should really just resign my fate to never celebrating another birthday. I guess having parties every year when you're younger really puts expectations on you....I mean, I don't want much, just a nice home cooked dinner with close friends will do! *sigh*
When I woke up today, the sound of the pouring rain just lulled me back under the covers in blissful sleep. I still have trouble falling asleep at night, but seems that now I have an even harder time getting up! I blame the cold and rain, for all it's worth.
How goes my day so far? I barely started, am waiting for Luisa to write a proposal for the project, my purple jumper smelled weird so I had to swop it for the grey one I wore yesterday and best of all, the girl who used to be in my group didn't even have the decency to tell us that she joined another group! I am very happy she's not involved anymore, but some people can just be so FUCKING RUDE!!!!!
Gosh, I really need some chocolate and lovin to calm me down....
Dysfunctional Dreamer
Friday, December 02, 2005
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

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- Just When I Thought It Was All Over...It's been a ...
- Let Go Of The Memories, Anger...Let go of the past...
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