Tuesday, May 11, 2004


Just had my crit session for the Final Major Project, and let me tell you, it was nerve-wrecking! It's good to see that other people have not quite finished their pieces as well, so it's kinda reassuring. Everyone had good ideas, and we had to stick post-its on each other's work, commenting or asking questions about their development. I must say, it didn't go as badly as I thought!I just want to head back to halls...have to meet Bisola to get some stuff from her later on, but I really need to work on my final pieces.I have almost a week left, the submission is this coming Monday, and from then it will be party-highway!!!!!!
Gosh...I can't wait for it to be all over....

May have to slave a bit more on my job after that, since I can afford the time (maybe not the sanity), and basically I need the extra money. Hopefully, I'd earn about £500 by the end of the month, and I'm definately working on the next bank holiday, coz we get paid double. But before that, I wanna treat myself to some nice meals and celebrate...am quite sad that everyone will be going in different directions soon...I have to keep in touch with these people!!!

I can't wait to come home to my dear ones as well, even more so, since the time will be approaching soon. I miss my lil niece and nephew, and my family...and of course, the bitches and sluts (my FRIENDS,..haha..)! *shouts*- I MISS YOU GUYSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure so many things have changed since I've been home, and I'm sure when I'm back there, the feeling of being in London would be surreal...just like how Singapore is surreal to me now that I'm in London...
*jumps around excitedly*

OH well...at least I'm still on a constant high so far...lack of sleep, too much stress...somehow I've got a sinking feeling I'm going to be a couch potato for the rest of the month...*grin*


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