Thursday, May 01, 2003

Cut The Crap!

This has been the most tiring day ever! There's so much going on at work, and the pressure's really building up due to the sales that started today.
I wasn't even supposed to be at work today, but well, I needed the cash anyway, and I had to step in due to the lack of manpower at the shop. This is all *thanks*( I'm being sarcastic) to the stupid *THING* called Nora(It has a name?!) who decidedly to take medical leave at such a bad time. We all hate her. I mean *ALL*. And well, I'm not saying that it's just me...she got personal *shrug*. And she messed with the wrong girl...We'll see who's the bigger bitch. Devised this evil plan (heheh) to make her life living hell before she gets fired (which is soon), and my colleague Charlene totally supports. WooHoo!
Down with the Bitch!!! *grin*

Took the 174 home, and what an end to a horrid day! Sat beside this malay lady who seems to be sitting sideways on the two-seater, and man, she was leisurely taking up one-and-a-half of the space. I was literally perching on the side of the aisle seat, because the stupid b*tch with the GARGANTUAN ass refused to give way! Was telling my friends that she'd burn in hell for sure....!

Sigh. A few last sms-es before I sleep. And it's Thursday, so I can't sleep without my weekly dose of the "Kumars At No 42".
Well, at least a few good laughs before I hit the sack. (:


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