Friday, June 16, 2006

Been Out Gardening Among The Slugs and Snails...

Last Monday I stumbled upon something which may grow into a small hobby. In a conversation about plants and things with Diana, my housemate, I offered myself to come and assist her in the afternoon when she was on her way to the plant nursery in Denmark Hill. Took a very nice breezy walk, out of the HOT sun to this small nursery dotted with pretty florals. Diana had to really restrain me from buying everything(everything was so pretty and cheap!) but the theme of our buy was 'edible plants' and well, for the budget of £20 and my small contribution of £5, we got: rosemary, sage, lemon balm, chive, french lavender (purple and white) and a tiny strawberry plant! It took about an hour of repotting and gardening and upon aquiring new tricks on planting, I was very sticky and sweaty, but very fulfilled.

Four days on, and all the plants have flourished and look very healthy!
We also have a teeeeny weeny strawberry on it's way to grown-up strawberry-dom. We intend to celebrate our success by picking it when it's ripe, cut it in half and savour the half-strawberry each with some cream on the side...hee!

Other than that, been busy making new work for my summer exhibiton, which, intially had a theme, but as the weather got hotter, people got lazier...and's a mix and match all over again. Ain't complaining though, the private view's tonight...and I spent lots of time on my work, but just one tiiiiiiiny piece...whereas others have masses of work. Ooooooooohhh!*sob* ):
Ah well,...I'm too bummed out to do anything about it now!


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