Time To Squeeze In One Entry...
Yup, finally finished my book...not entirely happy with it yet, but for the hand-in on Tuesday, it'll have to do. Will touch up the rest during my summer holidays, when I have more time (and a very fast computer).
One more project to do before the final hand-in....I'm trying to think of something short and quick...though with the list of things I have to pick from, it doesn't really help.
Ah well, at least I can sleep more peacefully tonight.
Oh, and sitting here since 11am with sweaty armpits is *so unbecoming*. Gotta go shower.
For those of you clueless about the weather here (since I have failed to mention in the past few entries), London *has* gotten warmer. Dreary still, but with bits of sunshine. BUT- at least I don't have to wear tonnes of layers out! Yay!!!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

Previous Posts
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- The Things That Are Wrong With The World...I remem...
- If I Go...If I move out of Shenley Road, yes, I wi...
- ...So now you know. I thought you would. But I tri...
- Solace, can be found when you least expect it...Th...
- My first panic attack. Thank you Francesco for fin...
- New LookThe blonde guy who plays his guitar horizo...
- Me Thinks Me Is Going Crazy...All I want to do is ...
- Wherever Life Takes Me...Another person I know is ...
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