Moving Around...Round...Round....
It's always strange when summer comes around again. Last year, I only stayed for a small part of summer, but this year, I am preparing myself for the full-blown experience. I think the beginning of it always will seem strange to me, with friends going home to their countries, around europe, and I'm still stuck here. Last week, I said goodbye to Luisa, yesterday, it was Jens, and today, went out with Anna for our 'last' lunch to our usual cafe, just an hour before she flies back to Germany. We'll all be together again in September, and sooner for Luisa, as I am possibly making my way down to Portugal for the Avante Festival on the 2nd-5th September.
It just feels like everytime this happens, there is always a transition- people I know moving out of halls of residence, into a new home, nice house, living together... I'm kind of glad that I went through it all last year, and it's not going to happen in my current house,..well...except for Jon, whom we all want to kick out of the house for his excessive abusive language,mess,noise and drug intake. He's a nice guy, but we just couldn't live with him(He's a walking disaster me!). Anyways, he's left for a holiday to Turkey since yesterday, so we're all more or less happy for the peace and quiet around the house, the cleanliness and not having to worry if the house will fall apart anytime soon.
Honestly, we need another girl to move in instead...but since the contract only ends in August...well, it's a long wait(or feels like it).
How do you get rid of annoying people in general?
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Deliriously Delusional! For anybody who knows me,or is willing to, this is a peek into the world in my head. Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a helluva ride! (:

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