Monday, December 25, 2006

Things I Should Be Doing Instead:

Here I am, blogging while comfortably tucked in my bed, watching Simpsons, morning breath and a tinge of hunger in my tummy.

I contemplate my plans for today while I admire the new purple necklace Don got me for Christmas...(thankies babes!)
One more to hang on my tree of adornments!

And sometimes I get bored between intervals and jam awhile on my guitar, which I got on my birthday.
I have a sneaking suspicion someone's morning habits of 'jamming in pyjamas' has rubbed off on me.
Nonetheless, a bit of music in the morning never killed anyone. It's a great start to the day. Seriously.

ALTHOUGH, it is no longer morning, I's actually 12:48pm, by which time I should have showered, made some lunch and get on with the rest of my day. I should be working on my projects, which sounds a bit depressing considering it is a holiday.

So I sit and eat peanuts in bed, leaving crumbs of shells( if this even makes sense), biding my time online, catching up with old friends online, watching old movies( The Simpsons is over now).

I feel like I could pass another few hours just like this...


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